Monthly Archives: June 2018

Comments on my Books

1. An interesting and honest account of the ravages of war and also of individuals’ struggles to maintain their faith and sense of values.
(Kathy Stewart, author)

2. We learn of the bravery of Hazel’s brothers in the face of the enemy, of religious conflict of a Christian mother and her children pitted against a Muslim father and his relatives.
(Martin Line, author)

3. The story is told with warmth. Hazel has an engaging writing style and uses evocative images to put the reader in the picture. There are glimmers of hope, answers to prayer and even humour amidst the tragedies.
(Nola Passmore, author)

Three Miracles – Stories of Life
Three Miracles gives us a glimpse into Hazel Barker’s childhood, growing up in Burma during World War II. This story transports us right back to a night in 1944, when the Allies try to retake Burma. This is what happened at Hazel’s home that night.

A blog post on Stories of Life website about Hazel Barker and her story have been published and can be accessed here:

Three Miracles

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Kathy Stewart’s review of ‘The Sides of Heaven’ by Hazel Barker

I read the first part of Hazel Barker’s extraordinary memoir, Heaven Tempers the Wind, when it came out and was keen to read the second part of her life story.

I don’t want to give away what happens in the book, but suffice it to say that the deprivations Hazel suffered as a child growing up during the Second World War in what was then Burma are surpassed by the heartbreak and challenges she faced later.

Yet this is not a story of despair, but rather of faith and hope – and ultimately of love.
A heart wrenching, human and inspiring story, well written and beautifully told.

Kathy Stewart

Hazel’s memoir is set in Burma during the turbulent period following the Second World War and the subsequent civil war.

‘The Sides of Heaven’ is the sequel to ‘Heaven Tempers the Wind: Story of a War Child,’ which was shortlisted in the Australia and New Zealand-wide CALEB  competition of 2017.

Armour Books, 2018




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