Monthly Archives: August 2015

Breakfast at Picnic Point Cafe, Toowoomba

Colin and Hazel at Picnic Point Café, Toowoomba.35374950


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Review of Old Sins Cast Long Shadows


Old Sins Cast Long Shadows by Frances Bodley, 2015.

Author’s Blurb

To take another’s life is a heinous crime. When it happens in a small village and destroys its tranquil lifestyle the inhabitants rightly feel deep anger. A young woman’s body is found in Smugglers Wood. The annual country festival is about to begin and the Writers’ Competition judge is a senior police officer and successful crime writer from London. He arrives in the seemingly peaceful village but behind closed doors are the smugglers and drug dealers….

Review by Hazel Barker

Old Sins Cast Long Shadows is a cleverly crafted crime fiction novel with a compelling opening which draws the reader in. The author does a solid job with setting, pacing and plotting. Family secrets hover like shadows of the story. The sense of menace runs through the chapters and keeps the tension humming through the writing. Filled with mystery and intrigue, the reader is driven to turn page after page until the end.

The book has a lively cast of characters, each possessing its own voice and characteristics.

The lack of thorough editing, however, distracts from the reading. The editing has let the author down, but the story is good. I would not fail to recommend Old Sins Cast Long Shadows to all those who love a good mystery, if this is remedied.

I would like to thank the author for sending me an advanced copy, and look forward to the publication of its sequel.


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Victoria Point Writers at the Little Gnome Bookshop

2529 (2)313334


Filed under Australian author, Australian literature, author, Books, coffee, Hazel Barker, Hazel Barker author, Little Gnome Bookshop